Mass Sky Raid Talk About Their New Album “Calm In Chaos”
Mass Sky Raid is an alt-rock band from the Gold Coast who have just released a brand new album titled “Calm In Chaos” which features 10 solid tracks of hard rock goodness. Electric Dreams Media got the chance to do a Q&A with the band, you can check it out below!
Firstly, tell us a little about the new album “Calm In Chaos” and tell us the inspiration behind it.
We really wanted to show our listeners something different with Calm In Chaos. While there are those tracks that maintain a familiarity within our distinctive sounds there are also new elements which we have brought to the table which expands on our previous work. Much like the title Calm In Chaos the album is full of light and shades which hopefully give the listener a unique experience and song for every mood.
What track on the album are you most excited for the world to hear and why?
To be honest probably one called “Letting Go” which is quite personal in nature and was written through a really challenging time in my life capturing a moment where I was fighting my own darkness and trying to find perspective. It is also a very unique track in that sense that it branches away from our normal sound and hopefully shows the listeners a different side of Mass Sky Raid.
What does your creative process look like when creating an album?
A lot of back and forward and reflecting on ideas. We like to not be limited to much by a formula and try to be creatively adaptable in our process. Sometimes it might start from a musical template where vocal melodies and lyrical concepts are added after and expand on the emotion given by the music. However sometimes a strong melody forms the foundation and the music is made to complement this. I think keeping the creative process open not only increases the creative potential but also keeps a diversity in the end sound.
It’s very exciting to see that you guys are going to be going on tour which starts next week! What are you most looking forward to about the tour?
Yeah, we can’t wait. For me just meeting new people and connecting with the other bands and fans is something I am really looking forward to. Also, we are all great mates in our band so I think just really spending that time with each other between shows and enjoying the unique experience of traveling and playing music.
What’s your favourite song to play live?
That’s a tough one however our song Closer is always a fun one to play and the crowds always seem to vibe it.
Where do you see the band in the next 5 years?
We just want to keep growing as a band and hopefully in the process connect with a lot more listeners. We love song writing so I would like to think in 5 years we are a few more albums deep and have progressed our sound even more.
You can stream the album now and also catch the band on tour this month!
