Mini Q&A with Perth Trio Sky Cave
Sky Cave is a trio from Perth who are known for releasing stellar tracks since 2020 and now, adding to that great catalogue is their first single of the year “Fall”. We got to catch up with the band for a mini Q&A to find out a little bit more about them and to also talk about the inspiration behind the new track. You can read it all below!
Could you tell us about Sky Cave and can describe your sound as if we haven’t heard your music before?
I can proudly say that Sky Caves sound is rather diverse. You can’t really put your finger on it. We believe this comes from not trying to be like anyone else and just making music we love..We have songs all the way from fuzzy rock to indie pop and all the way in between! No limits! There’s usually something for everyone. That’s how we like It! - OLI
How did you guys meet and what made you decide to start your music journey together?
The band started with me producing a song on my own alongside producer Nathan Gaunt called “Breakdown”. However, it was always my intention to bring it to a group so that it could be brought to life! Me and Lach had played in bands together previously that hadn’t worked out and decided they were finally ready to go for it ourselves! By this time we had spent a lot of time together and realised we shared very similar passions and music tastes. We’ve lost members along the way due to them doing different things however our passion has never strayed from this band. I think this is what has created such a strong bond between us and why it has never ended even through its hiccups. In the last year we have met and gained the incredibly talented Elijah Crouch who has become a really good friend and an integral part to this band and it’s new direction. -OLI
What was the inspiration behind your new track “FALL” and why did you feel you needed to write it?
We’re all thinkers. We like ideas and deep conversations about things that matter, always have. The past 2 years have been intense to say the least; we all noticed that speaking about topics that mattered was becoming harder and harder to do because of how charged they all are. We wanted to write about that charge - we explored the good, the bad and the ugly parts of it and all felt strongly about channeling our message (that it’s okay to be sure overwhelmed and sad about things) through this song.
We really hope it resonates with that overwhelming, frustrating feeling and liberates as many people as possible from feeling like they’re in this alone - LACH
What did your creative process look like when it came to writing “FALL”?
Our creative process is something that’s always excited us. We pride ourselves on all having an equal say when it comes to the end product; everyone’s ideas get heard and every stone gets unturned. This song started with a riff from our old Bass player Dan and got moulded over about a year into what it is now by Oli, Lach and Lij.
We had the song on Lach’s laptop for a while and decided to take it to see if we could make it sound awesome without spending much money, but after fiddling around for about a month we decided that we really didn’t want to risk not giving the song a proper chance and took it to Nathan Gaunt, who helped us take it to the next level! - LACH
Can you tell us what one of your favourite things about playing a show is?
My favourite thing hands down about playing a show is having all of ur mates in the crowd having fun, dancing, going wild and singing along to your lyrics. If there having fun you can guarantee I’m having even more fun! The adrenaline we get from playing in front of people is incomparable! The icing on the cake is usually an after party full of beers, mates and fun into the morning! - OLI
If you could tour with any band in the world, who would it be and why?
I’m sure this answer may differ between the three of us boys but I got this question so I’m gonna say it. It would be the Marcus King Band from Greenville South Carolina. He is my favourite musician of all time and I’m simply obsessed. If you haven’t heard him, do yourself a favour and go listen - OLI
Where do you see the band in 5 years time?
It’s hard to say exactly where we’ll be in even a year's time, what we’re aiming for in the next 2 years is to become really consistent. We’re at a period in time where, besides gigging - writing, planning releases and creating content are the only things we really want to be focussed on because we know that if we can achieve those things consistently with the aim of authentically entertaining our audiences, it’s almost inevitable that we’ll be a well received/known band! That’s a formula anyone can follow!
The short answer - we really hope to see ourselves playing at least mid-level festival gigs in 5 years time! - LACH
