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Q&A Interview With Troy Van Der Meer From Metal Band Liveconformdie


Over at Electric Dreams Media, we got the chance to catch up with vocalist Troy Van Der Meer from Perth metal band Liveconformdie. As the 5 piece get ready to drop their new EP, we got to talk about the creative process, follow up EP’s, and band accomplishments. Check it out below and don’t forget to stream the EP Vol II: Music For Living Failures - Out Friday August 5th!

Firstly, tell us an interesting fact about the band - it can be as random as you want.

Everytime I go to Jeremy’s for recording or practice, I steal at least 1 banana from the fruit bowl. If you average out jams / prac / recordings over the last 7 years, then it would be fair to say that we’ve seen each other about once every fortnight, per year.

Therefore, I’ve stolen approximately 182 bananas from Jeremy since LCD’s inception.

What was the inspiration behind “Vol II: Music For Living Failures” and what did the creative process look like when it came to writing the EP?

The creative process was slowwww.

Full time jobs, changing lifestyles and COVID were definitely primary factors in creative burnout and subsequent delays with production.

To be honest though, being DIY and not having a label breathing down our neck meant we were in no rush at all and that we could take as much time as we felt necessary to revise and experiment with where we wanted to take these songs - and not put out some cookie cutter elitist pleasing garbage.

“Vol I: Cigarette Lullaby” was released back in 2016 - what was the reasoning behind the six year follow up? Did you always plan to write a follow up EP or did it just happen?

It’s a bit of an inside joke that 7 tracks dictate the minimum number of tracks on an album - but these days, it seems that anything less than 10 is considered an EP. So the VOL series is our little loophole of putting out an album without ‘putting out an album’, so we always planned to continue the VOL series but It was just a matter of when it felt right.

Favourite track on the new EP?

Troy & Jez - Big Homie

John - Nü-Life

Vinny - In The Dark

Ben - Fetish

Liv - Trash Culture

If you could play a show with any band, who would it be and why?

4⁄5 of the band will probs say Slipknot. I just need to see Gleemer at least once. Special mention to Shakewell, $uicideboy$ and Ghostemane. Hit us up for a support slot any time.

When it comes to accomplishments, what is something that the band is most proud of?

Scoring just over 7 million overall streams on Spotify so far is just insane to us. We never expected this many people to actually give a shit - so it means a lot.

Jumping on Slipknot’s ‘Knotfest’ Twitch channel for an interview when we released ‘Terrorwave’ last year was pretty surreal as well, most of the lads are fiends for Slipknot, so to be interviewed on one of their platforms was pretty cool and gave us a little glimmer of hope that we’ll get to actually play KnotFest one day.

Where do you see Liveconformdie in 5 years time? Do you have any goals for the band?

In 5 years I’d love to be able to say we’ve played all around the world, but I’ll honestly be happy with a full European tour that we at least break even on haha.




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