Interview Q&A With Metal Legends Eviscerate The Crown
In case you somehow missed it, Sydney metal band Eviscerate The Crown have recently released an absolute tune titled Betrayer // Deceiver which is brutal and catastrophic with solid instruments, powerful vocals, and a gut-wrenching breakdown. We had the chance to do a small little Q&A with the band where we talked new music, hobbies, and inspiration. Check it out below and don't forget to stream their new track Betrayer // Deceiver.
Tell us about your newest track “Betrayer // Deceiver" and the inspiration behind it? Betrayer // Deceiver as the Rook piece is known for his many betrayals and powerful deceptions. Inspired by the tale of Nosferatu, cursed for eternity, left longing to quench his undying thirst… This track is structured as three movements, throughout which Nosferatu exposes his different faces. The inspiration behind the track is based on the Rook piece being a castle on the chess board, as the broader release is based around the concept of chess.
What does your creative process look like when writing new tracks? We generally will sit down and demo an idea, with some basic pre-pro. We then sit down as a group and use a base concept to guide the progression of the track based on its concept. Some of the tracks on the broader release have been specifically written for the principle of bringing to life the track based on the theme. We’ll have more to say about them at a later date, so stay tuned!
You guys have an album underway? Can you tell us anything about it and how it’s going? We are working away now finishing the broader release, we have had some delays due to various members getting covid. We also had delays due to Sam needing surgery last year, as he had sever carpel tunnel in both hands, which has now been fixed. We have a couple of surprises left for 2022 and are eager to share with you all what we’re creating. We don’t want to give too much away now, but there will be more, and it will hopefully be ready soon!
What does a day in your life look like when you’re not busy writing music or playing shows? Each of us have different backgrounds, Alex is a music teacher, and we actually recruited a few members through Alex. Which is a massive credit to him and the school he’s a teacher at, because everyone he’s recruited is quality. They all are passionate about their music and push themselves to achieve high quality performances. Liam is a panel beater and works on cars for a living, funnily spending much of his days screaming in his helmet to practise various sounds using his voice.
Sam is currently working on his Master of Economics, which we all find very humorous when we’re at his house and he tries to explain some complex process of dealing with Heteroskedasticity within data or something like that… haha… When Dale isn’t busy throwing groceries at customers in Aldi, he’s completing a Bachelor of Music. That leaves our newest member Luke, when he’s not shredding scrumptious bass licks, he’s working in a warehouse.
What is your favourite track you’ve ever written and why? I think we can agree there’s one track that really demonstrates the grandiosity of our release and that’s the last track. The coordination of a three-part movement based on a concept, wasn’t something we thought was going to be possible. But we were able to make it work, bringing into unison the individual instruments from the band, various vocal parts and an orchestra to create a really special track to finish with. This epic track demonstrates the dedication and passion we have as a band and are super excited to share it with you.
If we were to pick a track we have already released, we’d probably say Unearthed. The track really opened our eyes to see what was possible in metal. We actually never set out to be a certain type of metal, we just set out to create something epic and Unearthed was a huge influence on the direction. We distinctly remember coming back from Japan after we released that track and wanted to create an album that demonstrates who we are as musicians.
Lastly, what can we expect to see next from Eviscerate The Crown? We have a 7 track release in the works, and if you like payoffs and epic movements… Then you’ll love what we have in the works, we are hoping to have some news soon on next releases so we should hopefully know what’s happening with the next release soon.
